I don't know how I stumbled upon this website, but it is definitely in the top ten I've ever visited. The work is primarily by a man named Raul Gutierrez. The site is a complex labyrinth of photography and all things artsy. I highly recommend checking it out. Make sure to click on the text link for his blog Heading East!
Mexican Pictures.
He also posts all sorts of things he's overheard:
Two little old ladies recounting their dreams
@ the diner on Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn
lady in yellow hat: I was flying.
lady in blue hat: I’ve had that dream.
lady in yelllow hat: I went to Jersey.
lady in blue hat: I always go to into city. I shop.
lady in yellow hat: You shop in your dreams?
lady in blue hat: I always shop.
lady in yellow hat: I just fly. Nude... Totally, gloriously, nude.
lady in blue hat: Me too! Well...except for my shoes, I always fly in my best shoes... and a hat. I never go out without a hat.
lady in yellow hat: You always were the better dressed than me.
lady in blue: But you turned the boys heads.
lady in yellow hat: Maybe next time you should leave the hat at home.
I could spend all day on this site.
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