Monday, January 21, 2008

I've never heard Einstein described this way, but I like it.
He was unfathomably profound — the genius among geniuses who discovered, merely by thinking about it, that the universe was not
as it seemed.
-Time 100 on Einstein, Man of the Century.
I just watched a program on APT about Walter Freeman. If you've read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and were blown away, you might be interested in checking out this program online here. I think I might start tuning in to American Experience from here on out.

Darling Marling

Okay so I can't take credit for discovering this girl on my own, (a blog was posted about her on myspace) but she's too amazing not to mention. She pretty much says everything I've ever wanted to say. Beautiful. Brave. Simplistic.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Compare and Contrast

Both sing the same song.

I just discovered this photograph and have put it in my top five of all time.
"Trust that little voice in your head that says "Wouldn't it be interesting if.."; And then do it.”
-Duane Michals
Sooooo much is going on right now! I'm sure I will write a line or two here and there, but I'm mainly excited about having access to a darkroom again! If anyone wants to come hang out with me in the great state of Alabama, in the amazing city of Tuscaloosa, in a fantastic darkroom one weekend let me know! It might actually be really fun.
In the meantime check this out.

Monday, January 14, 2008


About 20 of my CDs that had been missing for months were returned to me this weekend. I had forgotten how much I love Menomena.(baritone sax...yesssssss)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

And in a year, a year or so

Sometimes I feel like a broken record mentioning the same bands or artists over and over again, but there is something about a certain few that keep me returning. Right now it's Beirut. In the past, in causal conversation I've mentioned the way my soul feels in relation to insturments. Normally the response, or lack thereof, is a blank stare or a faint smile (one that to me looks oddly similar to pity). Well, at least I know what I'm talking about and maybe someday someone else will, but in the meantime I'll just continue blabbing on about my consistently rotating instrumental soul. (That's kind of my thing...repeating myself incessantly until I get the proper response.)
Now that we've been introduced I can tell you that normally my soul sounds like a harmonica, but recently the sounds of Beriut seem to fit. New and old, jumbled and amazing. Enjoy.
Well it's been a long time, long time now
since I've seen you smile.
And I'll gamble away my fright.
And I'll gamble away my time.
And in a year, a year or so
this will slip into the sea
Well, it's been a long time, long time now
since I've seen you smile

Nobody raise their voices
Just another night in Nantes
Nobody raise their voices
Just another night in Nantes

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wong Kar-Wai's In the Mood for Love is a great movie, but 2046 is still my favorite for so many reasons.
Guy continuously sends me great photo links. Thought I would share...
Graphic Exchange.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monday, January 7, 2008

First of many old photos I'll be posting. I'm trying to get a portfolio together on another site, but in the meantime I'll add a few here.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

No Reservations

I'm not sure if I would actually get along with him, but I've decided I would be content in life if Anthony Bourdain could carry me around in his pocket.
Last year I watched the Food Network almost exclusively...I have a feeling this year it's going to be the Travel Channel.
No Reservations.
New episodes of 'Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations' begin Monday, Jan. 7, at 10 p.m. ET/PT.
And yes...I had to include this particular excerpt from the show. Sorry, I'm sort of consumed by all things Italian at the moment - language, literature, film, history, geography, art, food -you name it. So now, here's A.B. in Italy! Yay!

Friday, January 4, 2008


I can't wait for Eddie Vedder's new video which premieres January 7.
On bended knee is no way to be free
Lifting up an empty cup, I ask silently
All my destinations will accept the one that's me
So I can breathe...

Circles they grow and they swallow people whole
Half their lives they say goodnight to wives they'll never know
A mind full of questions, and a teacher in my soul
And so it goes...

Don't come closer or I'll have to go
Holding me like gravity are places that pull
If ever there was someone to keep me at home
It would be you...

Everyone I come across, in cages they bought
They think of me and my wandering, but I'm never what they thought
I've got my indignation, but I'm pure in all my thoughts
I'm alive...

Wind in my hair, I feel part of everywhere
Underneath my being is a road that disappeared
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead

Leave it to me as I find a way to be
Consider me a satellite, forever orbiting
I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me

Thursday, January 3, 2008